Justin Ross Thom and Jessica Payton McCallum
Justin Ross Thom and Jessica Payton McCallum
Mr and Mrs Edward L. McCallum of Brookwood Drive announce the engagement of their daughter Jessica Payton McCallum and Justin Ross Thom, Chicago, son of Terence Thom of Franklin, Wis., and Deborah Thom, Cedarburg, Wis.
Ms McCallum is a 1998 graduate of Newtown High School and received her bachelor of arts degree in speech-language pathology from Loyola College in Baltimore, Md., in 2002. She graduated from UConn with a master of arts in speech-language pathology in 2004.
She is employed by school district 64 in Park Ridge, Ill., as a speech-language pathologist.
Mr Thom graduated from Marquette University High School, Milwaukee, Wis., in 1998. He also graduated from Loyola College, with a bachelor of arts in finance, and is currently employed as a bond trader by Deerfield Capital Management in Chicago.
An October wedding is planned.