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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Come To ETH For The P&Z Hearing Continuation



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To the Editor:

Please note that the Planning & Zoning meeting which is scheduled for May 5, 7 pm, in the theater at Edmond Town Hall will be a continuation of the discussion of the proposed truck depot. Newtown Land Use does not, by rules/regs, have to list the item if it is a continuation.

This puts all citizens in the dark unless you happen to be a Legal Notices follower, on the commission, [or a regular reader of The Newtown Bee].

Come to the meeting to let the Land Use and the NY equity firm know that they cannot swallow Newtown and the area.

Thank you,

Sherry Bermingham


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