Let Reason Prevail
To the Editor:
I’ve always taken pride in living in a State etched deeply in the original struggle to be free from tyranny and to live in a land void of public or religious censorship. Our country is based on principles of freedom of speech, and freedom from both tyranny and persecution.
I read the Blue Historic Markers in Newtown and other towns, proud to be in the both historic and “reasonable” northeastern part of the US, the area that is part of the foundation of our country. Then I wake one day to find that the censorship of books has indeed arrived in full vigor in Newtown.
I had read about censorship in those “other” States, you know, the “unreasonable” States, including figurative “book burning” via the censorship of books designated as inappropriate. And now it’s here, in Newtown.
Be careful because this is truly a slippery slope. At what point does an individual, or other entity, find reason to propose removal (burning) of ANY book based on an incomplete analysis of the book, perhaps without having read it at all?
Please, let reason prevail.
Richard English
Reason is truly the operative term here. For what reason was this material included in the school library? Clearly an agenda has been exposed under the guise of socialization. My question now that this has been exposed, what can and will be done? Or will this simply be brushed under the rug?
Your Question and Query are Quintessentially absurd. Books are include to offer broad experience in learning and the nature of the Human Experience. Come out of the “Q” and into the prevailing light of the true Qualty human experience.