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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Surprises In Store At Newtown Earth Day Festival



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Both a “silent” and a tasty surprise await Earth Day Festival guests this year.

As the 12th annual celebration readies for Saturday, April 27, from 10 am to 4 pm, on the front lawn of Newtown Middle School, Valerie Dudeck is coordinating a silent auction, while Rob Kaiser is collaborating with the high school culinary students to offer a bite for festival guests.

Ms Dudeck said, “We have a wide variety this year.” Funds raised go toward scholarship funds for college-bound students each year.

Auction items this year include Candlewood Lake Guide Service, which “has offered to do a guided fishing trip out on Candlewood Lake,” she said.

Also new is an item from Real Trap Acoustics, which offers a $2,000 package for treatments “for rooms such as recording studios or home theaters,” she said.

CrossFit RedZone in Newtown has offered a three-month membership, and Boston Red Sox offered an autographed baseball, Ms Dudeck said.

The auction also includes gift certificates to many local restaurants, hair salons, and more.

Items for auction will be out as guests walk through the festival, and “people fill out a form, and they can see the last bid and also the value of package,” Ms Dudeck said. “They can bid what they want for it.” Winners are announced at the end of the event and do not need to be present to win.

A Culinary Treat

New this year is an addition to the regular food vendors.

Committee member Rob Kaiser recently sent out an e-mail blast saying, “This year, we will be embarking on a new and exciting collaboration with the Newtown High School Culinary Department. Focusing on Food Sustainability and the elimination of food waste, this project promises to be both educational and delicious!”

He stated that the effort was “inspired by some amazing local initiatives and some amazing studies.” The students “will be offering a menu of 21st Century foods, packaging, and drinks.” His e-mail asks, “Did you know food waste is the single largest component of solid waste sent to incinerators and landfills?”

Connecticut DEEP is actively supporting programs throughout the state to address this issue, according to his e-mail.

Mr Kaiser explained, “Lori Hoagland [a Newtown culinary arts teacher] and I have been friends for years and always discussed collaboration on a variety of events... We’ve finally solidified something for this year’s Newtown Earth Day Festival.”

Seeing “opportunities for tie-ins” between culinary students and cultural arts events, he said, “We decided Earth Day was an opportunity, and I hope it will be the start of similar collaborations.” Food will be for sale at the event.

Mr Kaiser also wrote that the effort will be “aided by friends and neighbors Eric and Ellen Bromberg of New York-based Blue Ribbon Restaurant Group.

“We are working on the theme of sustainability," Mr Kaiser added. "We are seeking to highlight Food Waste Awareness, as outlined by DEEP.”

And finally, they will highlight green food packaging through a generous donation from Imperial Dade, an independently owned and operated foodservice packaging distributor headquartered in New Jersey/Florida.

The day’s events include exhibits, crafts, a vendors fair, silent auction, live music, speakers, children’s activities, an introduction to local groups and organizations, and more. The middle school is at 11 Queen Street. There is plenty of on-site parking. Learn more at [naviga:u]newtownearthday.org[/naviga:u].

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