Wanted: A Better Way To Pay For It All
Wanted: A Better Way
To Pay For It All
To the Editor:
Thank you for keeping the town up to date on the referenda questions. As I read the information regarding budget requests, I return to the same concern. It is an archaic method to fund town services with property taxes. Most persons want to maintain good schools, keep town services and buildings well funded. Unfortunately, for most of us, our property does not produce any income at all. In fact, property is a constant drain on assets. In addition to maintenance, it must also be heated in winter, cooled in summer, grounds maintained; all this with energy costs rising exponentially. Most people additionally pay state and federal income tax, sales tax, and a variety of fees and hidden taxes. Presumably, businesses pay their fair share of property tax. Yet the bulk of property tax revenue comes from the homeowner. For many people, there is a breaking point in their ability to pay property tax. And the cities and towns have no other mainstay source of revenue.
Perhaps after the concerns of this yearâs budget die down, we might begin to take a long and creative look to discover new ways to finance our lovely town of Newtown.
Gordon Adams
14 Boggs Hill Road, Newtown                                       April 19, 2008