Newtown's Incredible Volunteers
Newtownâs Incredible
To the Editor:
As National Volunteer Month comes to a close, I would just like to thank the incredible volunteers in this town. In light of the referendum on Tuesday, I would especially like to thank the volunteers on the Board of Finance, Board of Selectmen, Board of Education, and Legislative Council for the incredible time they put into this process.
With my Dad being on the Legislative Council, I know firsthand how much time went into this process. These volunteers do more than attend their meetings, which have frequently been lasting until close to midnight. Many of these volunteers are also attending the meetings of other boards and commissions in order to make informed decisions. They are reading budgets, asking questions, answering e-mails and responding to questions from constituents. It is an incredible amount of time that they give to our town.
The budget passing on its first try is truly a testament to the hard work of these committed volunteers. It is also a testament to the hard work of so many others who worked to make sure voters made it to the polls. I offer my sincerest thanks to all of you who have given so much to this town. Newtown is lucky for the many volunteers who give so much of their time for the well-being of our town.
Sarah Hemingway
10 Overlook Knoll, Sandy Hook                                    April 23, 2008