Charter Offering TV Internships
Charter Offering TV Internships
Charter Communications CommuniTyVision 21 is accepting applications for its award-winning Video Production Internship Program. Internships are free and are open on a first-come, first-served basis to residents of Charter Communicationsâ franchise area who are 16 years of age or older.
Interns will receive extensive training in all aspects of video production and can use the experience to produce their own community television programs for airing on CommuniTyVision 21.
The internship offers various opportunities to many different people. While it is not solely for students, high school and college students can receive school credit. The program has also proven helpful to some people as an effective way to gain valuable career experience.
At the end of their session, interns receive a certificate of completion as well as the opportunity to create a demo reel of productions they have produced or assisted.
A completed application is required to attend the orientation on May 29. For an application or more information call 304-4050 or visit