Opposes United Nations Global Migration Plan
To the Editor:
The State Department under the Biden administration is moving closer to joining [the United Nations Global Compact for Migration]. I and everyone else, whatever political party you favor, should be opposed to this scheme.
Migration is a domestic policy issue, each nation should make the decision(s) based on their own criteria. So far the only nations that have signed on, except for Canada and Mexico, are those that want to leave their country, all third world countries, especially the ones that harbored and abetted terrorists — the Twin towers.[sic]
And realize this, leading the networks are a number of key United Nation agencies run by our greatest enemy, officials of the Chinese Communist Party,
To quote the director of FAIR media director Mellman [sic], “What happens when these kinds of international organizations get involved, you basically have other countries telling the United States what they should do.”
“The American public should resist these United Nation programs because they facilitate and increase harmful third world legal and illegal immigration into America and Europe as part of a wider plan. Force America (USA) into a global form of government.” I quote William Ghen, president, for legal immigration PAC.
If this disturbs you, and hopefully it does, send a letter opposing this move to our esteemed congressmen.
George Arfaras
Great Ring Road, Sandy Hook April 23, 2021