Parent Connection Program-Mental Health Expert Warns Substance Abuse Damages The Brain
Parent Connection Programâ
Mental Health Expert Warns Substance Abuse Damages The Brain
By Susan Coney
If you think that drug abuse among teenagers is limited to illegal substances like marijuana and club drugs such as Ecstasy, think again. While marijuana is the most common drug abused by teens, over-the-counter (OTC) drugs run a close second.
That was the message speaker Jonathan F. Michaelis, PhD, presented to parents who attended the Parent Connection Forum on April 13. The clinical neuropsychologist, a graduate of Columbia University, has been a frequent guest on national and local television programs as an expert commentator for mental health issues for children.
Dr Michaelis challenged the audience to stop and think about how your brain works and about the changes in brain function when a person uses drugs or alcohol. He held a frank discussion about the detrimental effects of substance abuse on the brain and encouraged the audience to ask questions.
Dr Michaelis projected computer generated graphics for the audience of how a brain functions. A normal brain appears smooth. Brain graphics depicting patients suffering from alcohol or drug abuse appear to have holes.
He stressed that every time you drink alcohol, any type of alcohol, you lose brain cells. âKids think it isnât a big deal. They are so young, they donât have the sense to be scared, it feels good for the time being,â he said. As the abuse of either alcohol or drugs continues the damage to the brain accumulates. Use of any type of substance changes the way in which the brain functions.
Cocaine, amphetamines, ecstasy, and PCP cause the brain to become excessively agitated. Using marijuana, tranquilizers, and heroin will cause the brain to function too slowly. âThe brain does not fully mature until the age of 30. There is no future time to catch up and get the brain to develop the way that it should.â
He also said that the delay in development makes the brain lag behind causing poor school performance and low self-esteem.
Drug and alcohol abuse are part of a cycle. A person may start to take drugs to relax, unwind, or feel good, then become dependent on them, having to take larger doses to produce the same âhigh.â They may end up addicted or with mental problems resulting from the substance abuse, according to Dr Michaelis. By the same token, he noted that a person may have mental health problems, for instance depression, and end up taking drugs to feel normal. He stressed that we are medicating our children more than ever before, and that the use of antidepressants in children has tripled. It is a continuous cycle.
As the lecture came to a close, Dr Michaelis emphasized that parents are still the strongest influence on adolescentsâ big decisions, like whether to smoke, drink, or do drugs. Printed handouts distributed to the audience recommended parents be vigilant and confront their kids about behavior changes. Parents should know who their childâs friends are and set boundaries. He stressed the importance of waiting until everyone has cooled down to discuss any problems or issues. Talk with your child about what is good for everybody, universal rules, and following acceptable rules.
Most importantly Dr Michaelis urged parents to step back and take a critical look at their own lifestyle. âParents are the role models, if you drink excessively or abuse prescription drugs you set the example. You have to be willing to take the lead and set a good example for your children,â he said.
The informative handouts were provided compliments of the Drug Center Pharmacy. For more information on addition or substance abuse, visit the Newtown Parent Connection website at