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Lecture On Total Hip And Knee Replacement



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Lecture On Total Hip And Knee Replacement

BRIDGEPORT — A presentation on “Total Hip and Knee Replacement,” one in a series of On The Move Orthopedic Lectures sponsored by St Vincent’s Medical Center, will take place on Wednesday, April 27, from 11 am to 12:30 pm in the Jewish Community Center Board Room.

The On the Move Orthopedic Lectures are a series of free talks for the general public focusing on improving the quality of life through accurate diagnosis of orthopedic problems, determining the value and limits of medications and exercise, and considering what treatment options are most appropriate and beneficial.

Featured speakers will be orthopedic surgeons Henry Backe, MD, and Peter Boone, MD, both on active staff at St Vincent’s Medical Center. Drs Backe and Boone will discuss the benefits of total knee and total hip replacement surgery and what factors determine who is a good candidate for joint replacement. They will also describe St Vincent’s unique approach to the surgery, called Joint Camp, which takes patients from preoperative education and physical strengthening right through joint replacement surgery and recovery using a team approach.

A question and answer period will also be provided.

Upcoming lectures will be “Back Pain and Advances in Spinal Surgery” on May 17 from 5:30 to 7 pm in the Hawley Conference Center of St Vincent’s Medical Center, with speakers to be announced.

The On The Move Orthopedic Lecture Series is a new part of St Vincent’s program of comprehensive orthopedic services, including its innovative Joint Camp, No registration is necessary for the lecture series.

For more information on the lecture series, or St Vincent’s Joint Camp, or orthopedic services at St Vincent’s, call St Vincent’s toll-free Care Line at 877-255-SVHS (7847).

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