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Bible Lecture Series On Isaiah



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Bible Lecture Series On Isaiah

SOUTHBURY — As part of a biannual series, the Rev Dr Paul Tarazi will guide attendees through the prophetic Book if Isaiah on May 13-14 at Christ the Savoir Orthodox Church, 1070 Roxbury Road.

Rev Tarazi is professor of the Old Testament at St Vladimir’s Theological Seminary in Crestwood, N.Y., where he teaches Old and New Testament and Biblical Hebrew. He said the series’ mission is to “educate, inspire, and challenge participants of all backgrounds and education levels to recognize the centrality of sound biblical interpretation for reading, hearing, and understanding the Word of God.”

The event consists of four scheduled presentations that can be attended all or in part. On Friday, May 13, “Isaiah the Prophet” will be presented from 7 to 9 pm. “Isaiah: Prophet of Redemption” will be from 10 am to noon on Saturday, May 14.

“Isaiah: Prophet of Justice” will be from 1:30 to 3:30 pm on May 14, followed by “Isaiah in the Old and New Testament” 6:30 to 8:30 pm.

Lunch and a light supper will be offered between the Saturday sessions.

The lecture series is available at no charge. There will be a free-will offering basket for those choosing to have lunch or supper. Preregistration is requested by contacting Fr Vladimir Aleandro at 267-1330 or Dr John Zarras at johnzarras@earthlink.net.

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