Connecticut DOT Work Zone Awareness Week
NEWINGTON— The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) and states across the country are promoting National Work Zone Awareness Week, April 20 through 24, 2020. Projects that were dormant during the winter months are starting up again in earnest with the traditional start of the construction season each April.
This year’s National Work Zone Awareness Week theme is “Safe Work Zones for All: Protect Workers. Protect Road Users.”
“Delays because of road construction can be inconvenient to travelers and understandably aggravates many drivers who are already frustrated by the everyday traffic congestion around our state,” said CTDOT Commissioner Joe Giulietti. “But everyone behind the wheel needs to take it upon themselves, especially in work zones, to exercise patience and consideration for others to prevent traffic fatalities and injuries. We are making the roads better for you. You can make them safer for everyone by slowing down and paying attention.”
In 2019, there were 1,045 crashes in Connecticut work zones, resulting in 288 injuries and three fatalities.
Since the creation of the national campaign by the Federal Highway Administration and the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials more than 20 years ago, the number of work zone fatalities has dropped significantly. National and state campaigns are designed to raise awareness and educate the public about the dangers around work zones in an effort to increase the safety of workers and motorists on the roads.
“Connecticut actively supports and promotes local and national efforts to improve safety in work zones for everyone traveling and working on its roadways,” said Governor Ned Lamont. “And we continue to honor the men and women who have died while working in highway work zones. We remind motorists that work zone safety is in your hands, so please obey the orange as you travel through work zones.”
Connecticut’s motto, “Obey the Orange - Slow Down For Work Zones” emphasizes that each of us — whether motorist, pedestrian, or worker — can all play a role in reducing the number of crashes and injuries by exercising caution in roadway work zones.
To get up-to-date information as well as safety tips and news, visit the Department of Transportation website at and click on Obey the Orange logo or go to