Thank A Girl Scout Volunteer
Thank A Girl Scout Volunteer
To the Editor:
The Girl Scout Council urges people to say âthank you!â in person or by phone, card, or email to their favorite troop leader or Girl Scout volunteer on April 22. Nationwide on that day Girl Scouts councils urge people to appreciate the extraordinary volunteers who lead troops and make the empowering Girl Scout program possible for girls in grades K through 12.
Those troop leaders forge amazing bonds with girls and establish trust and communication with adults that serve girls all their lives. Leaders aim to bring out the potential in each girl, increase a girlâs self-esteem and confidence, foster an inclusive atmosphere of care and respect, and open up doors of opportunity the girls never knew existed. Leaders provide a stimulating and safe environment where girls have fun while developing skills and forming strong values and friendships. In the process, girls learn to make wise decisions and empower themselves to change lives and the world around them for the better.
To meet the high Girl Scout standards, leaders undergo extensive training. Those volunteers have busy lives, family, other volunteer work, or a job, yet they make time to work with over 9,000 young girls in the [Southwestern Connecticut] Councilâs 15 Fairfield County towns and cities. The extensive training both girls and volunteers undergo makes Girl Scouts a crisis-prevention organization, eminently successful at forging strong young women more likely to make healthy choices and avoid risky behaviors.
The council asks the public to join us in extending thanks to service unit managers, Girl Scout trainers, board members, and other volunteers. Our more than 3,000 adult volunteers are crucial in providing the positive Girl Scout program that benefits girls and their communities. For more information, call the council at 203-762-5557.
Susanne D. Kuligowski
Chief Executive Officer
Girl Scout Council of Southwestern Connecticut
529 Danbury Road, Wilton                                       April 14, 2006