Preserving Newtown’s Livability
To the Editor:
I received a call after I wrote a letter to the Bee concerning the general appearance of the proposed development on Commerce Road. The caller urged me to take a walk and look at the actual location of the proposed development.
I took that walk and have to say not only am I more convinced of the inappropriateness of the proposed structures but also realized the location just was not a good use of the land identified for these structures. I think we can do better than to encourage this kind of development in an area we have already set aside for an animal sanctuary and natural environment. It just does not make any sense to do so.
I’d also like to invite all interested people who would like to attend an open forum on August 22 to develop a vision and to consider the livability of our community. All participants will receive, in advance, information on Newtown’s livability index and the current long-range plan for livability. We would like representation from a broad spectrum of interest groups and volunteer organizations to help develop this vision.
If interested, please email
John S. Boccuzzi
Property owners have rights, and in this case so does the town. The town has the right and dare I say the obligation to develop this land. If we accept your premise that THIS land is special and it is inappropriate to build on, can you tell me where in town you would accept a new development? If we do not want apartments in town then it should be taken as an action with the zoaning board, not on an individual case by case argument in the public spectrum.