Let Your Voice Be Heard By Voting No, ‘Too High’
To the Editor:
Can you afford the largest tax increase in 15 years?
If not, let your voice be heard by voting no “too high” on the Board of Education budget on April 23rd.
First, let’s debunk the myth that some are against education and trying to “cut” or “gut” the Board of Education budget. Yes this narrative tugs heartstrings and gets people out to vote, but it couldn’t be further from the truth. Everyone wants our schools to operate at full potential, and to provide the best results for our children. The bottom line is the Board of Education will receive an increase to their budget for next year. The question before us is how much of an increase to that budget can taxpayers afford to absorb?
Some representatives during the budget process, tried to balance being empathetic to taxpayers in a time that is difficult for many, while still providing an increase to the Board of Education. There were thoughtful questions asked about the ability to consolidate, reallocate, and thinking out of the box on how to best allocate budget funds in the places that they are needed most to move the needle on outcomes for our children. Others, asked no questions about an almost $90 million budget request, seized the opportunity of having the majority, brought in administrators, and rubber stamped wishlists adding to the Superintendent’s original budget request.
The First Selectman’s portion of the budget was fair, and balanced the needs of the town and taxpayers. That is why it passed through unanimously. Meanwhile, school enrollment has drastically decreased over the last five years, and that budget has gone nowhere but up. Should this Board of Education budget be passed by voters, this number will be the starting point for years to come and will further us down an already unsustainable path of tax increases.
If you would like to see a lower increase, then send the Board of Education budget back to the Legislative Council to do more work balancing the needs of both the schools and residents.
This is my opinion and is not written on behalf of the Legislative Council of which I am a member representing District 2.
Jennifer Nicoletti
Sandy Hook
Thank you.
Great letter and agreed- no one is against education.