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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Snapshot: Jim Tomassetti



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How would you describe your occupation? I get up every morning, early, get ready, and make sure my bus is ready for the road. I keep it clean, I take pride in my seats, and I’m a stickler for the rules. I’m very blessed with the parents I have on my Sandy Hook run. They all know me, they all like me. A lot of people in town know me because I’ve been doing it so long — July will be 51 years. I absolutely love driving the bus.

Do you have any pets? My dog, Hazel.

How long have you lived in Newtown? I moved here in 1995.

What’s your favorite film? I like the old Dennis the Menace, the black-and-white one with Mr Wilson. I like Hazel, that’s what I named my dog after. I love those shows. I grew up with them, and I still watch them. I don’t care if I saw them over a thousand times. With I Love Lucy, my mother would say, “Jim, how many times are you going to watch that? You could probably tell the story!”

Who or what has been the greatest influence on your life? I’m very blessed for the friends I have. Five years ago I had a hip replacement. My friend Carol, a senior driver in Monroe, brought me up to St Francis Hospital in Hartford and stayed with me until I had to be operated on. One of the parents on my Sandy Hook run picked me up from the hospital with her kids I drive on the bus. When I came out to the car in the wheelchair, they gave me a pillowcase packed with ice, because the ride home is an hour. The father helped me up the stairs. My buddy Dan and his wife Kelly came over that night.

If you could spend the day with one person, who would it be? I would say my grandmothers, and my aunts on my father’s side. They loved me. My mother noticed a gait in my walk as a young child, which was corrected. I suffered through the summer with a large cast on. Today, there are soft casts that come off, but I was in a plastered one. That summer, my grandmother would always say, “Have Jimmy come over.” I liked going down to the house. Years ago, I had my grandmother on the bus. She was maybe in her early 90s then. She sat in the front seat and I took her around the block. She got the biggest kick out of it.

Who’s your favorite musical artist? Dolly Parton. I have cassette tapes from when she first started. As much money as she has, it doesn’t make a difference in her personality. I also like this band called Tuba Skinny. It’s New Orleans music. They play right on the street.

What is the greatest piece of advice you’ve ever been given? Be happy in life. You’ve got to be happy in whatever you do. That gets you up in the morning, that gets you going.

What’s something you can’t live without? My dog. Even though she’s stubborn, I love her to death. I pick her up every morning, and she tightens up her body because she doesn’t want me to leave.

What is your proudest accomplishment? Where I am today. I have my own place, and my health. I am still able to work, and I thank God every day for it. I appreciate everything I have, and I do appreciate each day. I love my friends, and I just enjoy what I do.

What is the best part about Newtown? I think it’s a very generous town. If you’re a friendly person, people are going to be like that to you. Living here in this town after growing up in Monroe, I’m happy here. I know a lot of people.

Jim Tomassetti —Bee Photo, Veillette
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