Community Voices: April Speaks
Published: Apr 18, 2020 7:00 am
The Newtown Bee is seeking residents to share short essays on observations of this world — and what is good — in unsettled times. Send your 500 word or less essay on what is right in the world for consideration to editor@thebee.com.We bring you the following contribution from Gary Winn.
By Gary Winn
April Speaks
Purple pops of crocus
daffodil trumpets blare
forsythia sunshine ‘xplosions
no dreaded dire scare.
For them the world’s not over
don’t care where we’ve gone
sun rings up the curtain
moon still draws it down.
April tells us everything
we really need to know:
“Stand together ‘gainst the wind,
and all your colors show!”
Nicely done, Gary, the joys of spring and a message for difficult times!