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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Newtown Recovery Project Sets Next Parent Forums: Stress Management, Video Game Addiction



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The Newtown Public Schools Recovery Project has slated its next parent forums, which will be held at Reed Intermediate School and Hawley Elementary School.

Each forum will be presented twice, once during the school day and in the evening, to allow for maximum participation. Forums run for one hour.

The Reed Parent Forum, “Springtime Stress Management,” is set for Wednesday, April 23. It will be facilitated by Judy Blanchard, MS, CPP, district health coordinator for the Newtown School District, and Genia Brockett, LMFT, of Wellmore Behavioral Health and the school based clinician for Reed.

This forum will give participants an opportunity to learn new ideas for managing stress for themselves and family members. Coffee and dessert will be provided.

The first presentation will begin at 9:15 am in the school’s cafetorium, and the second will begin at  6 pm in the school’s Library Media Center.

The Hawley Parent Forum, “Video Game Addiction,” will be on Thursday, April 24. It will be facilitated by Mark Augustine, LMFT, of Wellmore Behavioral Health, Rosa Baldino MSW, and Leanne Fuccillo, school counselor. The forum will provide information on the definition and criteria for video game addiction, the psychology of video game addiction, signs a child may need help, what makes them so addicting, negative consequences of gaming addiction (physical, social, etc) and treatment.

The first presentation will begin at 10 am in the school’s Reading Lounge, and the second will begin at 6 pm, in the school’s library.

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