Our Students Deserve More
Our Students Deserve More
To the Editor:
After years of silence, I feel compelled to write this letter to the voters of Newtown to address some things they may not know.
In Newtownâs DERG of 21 school districts, Newtown ranks 21 in pupil: teacher ratio.
In order to even improve this rating to 10, Newtown must hire 13 more teachers (that is not in the budget).
If you think property values are low now, wait until you see what happens when the high school loses accreditation! Try and sell your house then when no one will move here for the schools.
Anyone who thinks NHS doesnât need expansion should take a look at a crowded classroom â or better yet, the cafeteria. It is so overcrowded it is unsafe.
 Finally, I no longer have children in school and I, too, am retired. However, I still live in Newtown. I care about the school system, the studentsâ education, and, of course, my own property value. Good teachers are leaving the system. Facing the loss of accreditation, we are no longer the blue ribbon school we were several years ago. Our students deserve more. Support the budget vote on April 22!
Marcia Sandner
39 Platts Hill Road, Newtown                                      April 15, 2008