Be Sure To Vote On All The Questions
Be Sure To Vote On All The Questions
To the Editor:
There are eight questions on the ballot for this referendum, April 22. Most citizens are aware of the budget and the high school expansion. Many are aware of the community center architect fees. But are you aware of the five charter revision questions?
Some people have looked at them and say they are confusing. There are many pieces to each question. Please take the time to study these questions. You can find explanatory information in this weekâs Bee. Please remember nothing on the ballot can be discussed in the polling place. It is your responsibility to understand them before you reach the polls.
In order for a charter question to pass, it must receive the higher number of votes with a minimum of 2,400 votes (15 percent of the registered 16,000 voters).
For United States citizens that are not registered to vote in Newtown but qualifying to vote as property owners, you will only be allowed to vote for the first three questions that have to do with money. You will need to register by April 21 in order to vote on the charter revision questions.
Please take the time to address these questions. Your vote will make a difference.
Please take the time to research all the items on this ballot, come vote and let your voice be heard. We need to hear which direction you want Newtown to take.
LeReine Frampton
6 Pebble Road, Newtown                                                April 16, 2008