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WPCA Increases Residential Sewer Connection Fee



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WPCA Increases Residential

Sewer Connection Fee

The Water Pollution Control Authority (WPCA) has increased the fee that it charges residential sewer users to connect to the municipal sewer system.

Following an April 10 public hearing, at which no one commented, WPCA members increased the town’s residential “sewer connection fee” from $11,012.25 to $11,239.10, representing a $226.85 increase, or an approximately 2.06 percent hike in the fee. The sewer fee increase in based on the increase in the Consumer Price Index between 2001 and 2002.

 The residential sewer connection fee is based upon an estimated increase in property value, which a sewer connection adds to a residential property.

The sewer connection fee is separate from sewer-usage fees, which are billed to customers based on their water usage.

The central municipal system, which serves the Borough, Sandy Hook Center, and the Taunton Lake North area, went into operation in September 1997.

The WPCA filed the formal notice of its residential sewer connection fee with the town clerk on April 14. Any appeals to the fee hike must be filed within 21 days of that date.

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