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Trading Away Freedoms So Dearly Won



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Trading Away Freedoms So Dearly Won

To the Editor:

America was born from those who believed we have inalienable rights, captured wonderfully in the Bill of Rights. There was, and is, much suffering to secure these rights. An article about our soldiers serving America right now, was right next to the story discussed here; about surveillance cameras in the high school.

There was a time, not long ago, when the thought of putting up a surveillance camera in a public place was considered a gross violation of the fourth amendment. You know the one — it basically says no one could search, examine, or watch you, or search your property without just cause, and then only with a warrant issued by the courts. The authorities had to convince a court that you were probably doing something in violation of the law, or else they had no right to watch you. What happened? Are all kids now suspects?

Newtown does a wonderful job teaching our children the basics, but what lesson are we teaching here? Are we teaching the next generation of Americans about the Bill of Rights and that our freedom is precious and has a cost and sacrifice associated with it, or are we teaching them to be comfortable accepting intrusions by their authorities? That rights aren’t inalienable, but negotiable, to be traded away for supposed safety? Is anyone teaching the meaning of these (now less) famous quotes?

“Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.” –– Thomas Jefferson

“They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” –– Benjamin Franklin

What is it to be American? Isn’t what makes us special our steadfast belief in our rights? With all the pain and suffering to make America, and with all the enemies we have, why are we, ourselves, comfortably eroding away the essence what America is, just because we are frightened?


Tom Bast

7 Ridge Road, Newtown                                                  April 13, 2003

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