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Young Students Introduced To Opera



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Young Students Introduced To Opera

By Larissa Lytwyn

It isn’t often that elementary school students are exposed to opera — except at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

As part of its ongoing cultural arts program, the school has hosted performers from the Hartford-based performance group Connecticut Opera five times in the last few years. 

“It’s terrific to see students introduced to opera at such a young age,” said parent volunteer Laura Fiore, a member of the Cultural Arts Committee.

The performers, consisting of soprano Alexandria Shammas, mezzo-soprano Cheryse McLeod, tenor Matthew King, and baritone Patrick Howle, fused the classic storylines of Little Red Riding Hood and Three Little Pigs to create a unique musical experience.

Costumed in overalls and strap-on pig snouts, the kindergarteners and first graders were entranced by the movement and expression of song in front of them.

“I loved it,” whispered student Aileen Decker. “It’s very fun to watch!”

Student Trevor Palmer agreed. “I like when the pig [siblings] fight with each other,” he said. “That is funny!”

The story followed the three little pigs’ (portrayed by Alexandria Shammas, Cheryse McLeod, and Matthew King) adventures in the forest.

The play was set against music from Mozart’s The Magic Flute, Cosi fan tutte, and Don Giovanni.

Ms Shammas played the prim foil to her constantly feuding brothers (Ms McLeod and Mr King), to the delight of the audience.

“I do like watching them fight,” giggled Trevor.

The singers also infused some pop culture humor; at one point, Ms Shammas scolds her siblings for engaging in yet another inspired take on “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Piggy.”

“It’s a great way for the children to have access to great music,” said Ms Fiore. “We love having them!”

For more information on Connecticut Opera, visit www.ctopera.org or call 860-527-0713.

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