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Two-Part Class OnNature Photography



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Two-Part Class On

Nature Photography

DERBY — The Naugatuck Valley Audubon Society, Inc in cooperation with the Department of Environmental Protection’s Kellogg Environmental Center, will host a program, “Nature Photography,” on Tuesday, April 20, at 7:30 pm. The program will be at Kellogg Environmental Center, 500 Hawthorne Avenue (off Route 34).

Photographer Ian Bornarth will illustrate basic ideas in nature photography by presenting images followed by discussions on the techniques he used to create them. Some of Mr Bornath’s topics will include composition, using camera settings to achieve certain effects, reasons to use a tripod, and different ways to view the same subject. The ideas in his talk should be useful to anyone who enjoys photographing nature at any level.

For Part II of this program, Mr Bornarth will lead participants on a trip on April 24 where attendees will be practicing the techniques they learned during Part I.

A donation of $4 is requested.

For further information, directions or to register, contact Kellogg Environmental Center at 734-2513.

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