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Poetry, short story, personal essay and children's story.



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Poetry, short story, personal essay and children’s story.

The competition is open to residents of Connecticut. All entries must be original and previously unpublished. 

The entry fee is $10 per short story or personal essay or children’s story and $10 for up to three poems. Writers may submit as many entries as they like. Each entry (e.g., each poem, each short story, each essay, each children’s story) must be accompanied by a separate entry form. One check may be sent to cover all entries, however.

Manuscripts must conform to the following requirements; entries that do not conform will be disqualified:

*All manuscripts must be typewritten and double-spaced on one side of standard 8½ x 11-inch paper. Submit four copies of each manuscript. Staple manuscript pages together.

*Author’s name or any other identifying information must not appear on the manuscript itself. Instead, specify the title of the work in the space provided on the entry form. For untitled poetry, specify the first line on the entry form.

*The first page of each submission must include the title of the work. Also, indicate the word count (line count for poetry) in the upper right corner of the first page.

*Manuscript length/word counts are as follows: Poetry, 30 lines maximum; Short Story, 2,000 words maximum; Personal Essay, 1,500 words maximum; and Children’s Story, 2,000 words maximum with no illustrations, drawings or graphics.

*Manuscripts will not be returned. For those who would like confirmation that an entry has been received, include a self-addressed, stamped postcard with “CAPA Submission” written on the message side. An email address can also be included on the entry form for confirmation.

*Winners will be notified personally and publicly announced at the October 2004 CAPA monthly meeting. Winning entries will be published in a special issue of The Authority, CAPA’s monthly newsletter.

*Members of the CAPA board of directors, members of the competition committee, and competition judges are not eligible to enter the competition.

For additional information or to obtain an entry form contact Daniel Uitti c/o CAPA Competition 2004, 223 Buckingham Street, Oakville CT 06779; send email to CAPACompetition@yahoo.com, or visit www.AboutCAPA.com.

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