A Stuffed Office Means Full Shelves For FAITH
To the Editor:
FAITH food pantry would like to send a big thank you out to the Reed Intermediate School. Reed held a “stuff the principal’s office” food drive, and it was a huge success. Thank you to Principal Anne Uberti and Assistant Principal Jill Beaudry for your participation in the project. A special thank you goes to Deborah DeBlasi, who spearheaded this food drive and was chairperson on the color games. Such a project requires a great deal of time and organization to get off the ground and see it to the end. FAITH is most grateful to reap the benefits of this fun, competitive event.
Thank you to the helping hands of Betty McFadden, Jennifer Chaudhary, Rich DeBlasi, Nicholas DeBlasi, Evan Chaudhary, Maya Chaudhary. You are a wonderful team that accomplished an amazing task. Your delivery of the many boxes and bags of food left us speechless and overwhelmed with gratitude. Your timing could not have been better, as our shelves were starting to look empty.
Thank you to the parents, students, faculty, and especially Principal Uberti for “donating” your office to this fabulous project. Great job, Reed Intermediate School!
Jill LeBlanc
Vice President of FAITH Food Pantry
6 Oak Ridge Drive, Newtown April 15, 2019