Many Concerns About Proposed Development
To the Editor,
Last Thursday, April 7, there was a P&Z meeting regarding the gigantic proposed warehouse near exit 9. As I was prepping for a colonoscopy the next day, I was unable to attend. So now that everyone knows what I was doing that evening I felt compelled to write another letter based on what my husband, son, and neighbors told me happened.
Apparently there was a lot of flapping gums on behalf of the developer. From what I understand, they spoke about how many trees will be there and leaves. Big deal. Most of the year there are no leaves on the trees to help block the view and keep noise levels down.
I’m told there were no real answers concerning noise level, pollution and of course traffic. In fact, the traffic study determined there would be little or no impact on traffic. Apparently that study was done by a pre-schooler. Anybody who lives or travels these area roads knows that traffic backs up here regularly on a good day.
An individual on a local social network site posted a synopsis of the meeting I think is great.
His take-away was this isn’t so much a warehouse but will be, “used as a truck terminal with hundreds of trucks weighing 38,000 lbs circling local streets waiting to get into and out of this terminal.”
I mean, of course, how could that possibly have an impact on traffic?!
How stupid do these people think we are? Not to mention the real threat of a disaster if there is a fire here. This building will be almost 385,000 square feet. What is even going to be moved in and out of this building? Nobody is saying. It is beyond my comprehension that the Wetlands Committee approved this project.
Thank you to so many working so hard to stop this monstrosity. I try to be optimistic that it will be turned down but P&Z seems to always say yes. If not the first time, then they allow a test amendment or actual zone change to allow development.
And before people say that it helps the tax base, I have not had my taxes go down with all the developments going on in this town. There is another meeting on Thursday, April 21. If possible, please try to attend.
I’ve lived here since 1969. The bumper stickers used to say “Nicer in Newtown.” Now I wonder if it would be nicer NOT in Newtown.
Janet McKeown
Apparently, your social media source must not have included all the facts, shocking! To quote Ben Mueller of Ostergaard Associates and the Newtown Bee … “The goal (is) … to keep constant noise leaked to neighboring properties under 55 decibels during the day and 45 decibels during the night. Newtown’s own zoning laws allow 70 Db. To answer your question … “what will be moved in and out of this building”. I suspect, even though nobody likes to talk about it, it will be a waystation for the piles of amazon boxes at your house.