What’s In The Works?
We appreciate all who are reading us at newtownbee.com while our print publication takes a break to keep staff safe.
You’ll find plenty to read on our website — regular updates on town government, daily updates on the COVID-19 crisis, and this week, photo and essay submissions from our readers, along with other features and news of interest.
The regular offerings you love will also continue at newtownbee.com — The Way We Were, The Top of the Mountain, emergency response reports, letters, and the weekly editorial. Look for the weekly Senior Menu for prepackaged meals, as well.
Thank you for supporting us during this unusual time. And don’t forget that you can still subscribe and be ready to receive The Newtown Bee in your mailbox each week when we return to full force: https://classadz.vdata.com/Legacy/NewtownBee/Circulation/Subscriber/.
If you are already a subscriber, your subscription will be extended for each week our print publication is on hiatus.