Food                    Serving Size         Looks Like
Food                    Serving Size         Looks Like
Chopped Vegetables       ½ cup                ½ baseball or rounded
                                                         handful for average adult
Raw Leafy Vegetables      1 cup                1 baseball or fist of an
                                                         average adult
Fresh Fruit                   1 medium piece    1 baseball
                                 ½ cup chopped     ½ baseball or rounded
                                                         handful for average adult
Dried Fruit                   ¼ cup                1 golf ball or scant handful for
                                                         average adult
Pasta, Rice,                  ½ cup                ½ baseball or rounded
Cooked Cereal                                       handful for average adult
Ready-to-Eat Cereal       1 ounce which    Â
                                 Varies from ½      Â
                                 Cup to 1 ¼ cup
                                 (check label)
Meat, Poultry, Seafood    3 ounces            Deck of Cards
                                 (boneless cooked
                                 weight from 4
                                 ounce raw)
Dried Beans                  ½ cup cooked      ½ baseball or rounded
                                                         handful for average adult
Nuts                           1/3  cup              Level handful for average
Cheese                        1 ½ ounce (2       1 ounce looks like 4 dice
                                 ounces if
                                 processed cheese)
Source: US Department of Agriculture)