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Budget Needs Reductions



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Budget Needs Reductions

To the Editor:

After reading the front page of The Newtown Bee and seeing that the budget is being sent to the voters with “no changes,” first, I would like to thank those board members who voted to cut the budget by $500,000, and to the rest –– “you just don’t get it.”

Having been a longtime Newtown resident (40 years) and seeing some drastic changes to the town, some good and some not so good, I think that the town fathers and the politicians need to be shown that people are not satisfied with the budget. Hopefully the people most affected by the budget, which are long-term residents who have seen the revaluation process raise their assessment by 50 to 70 percent and greater, get out and vote on April 22. While everyone is cutting and conserving, the town continues to spend and will continue to spend unless the voters send a clear message that the people paying the taxes have had enough. I remember when the budget would be sent back three or four times before it was approved –– let’s get out and vote on April 22 and return to the days where a message was sent “loud and clear” that the budget needs further reductions.


Arthur W. Hechler

2 Bayberry Drive, Newtown                                          April 8, 2003

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