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I think that we black cats, emblems of bad luck, should get every Friday the 13th off. I've mentioned this to the boss several times, suggesting that the date serves as a kind of stand-in for me, so I shouldn't have to show up at work, right? But



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I think that we black cats, emblems of bad luck, should get every Friday the 13th off. I’ve mentioned this to the boss several times, suggesting that the date serves as a kind of stand-in for me, so I shouldn’t have to show up at work, right? But the boss has this superstition that holds that it’s bad luck if everyone doesn’t work all day every day. I guess I should be thankful that I get the weekends off.

Marion Wood has had a little time off lately, and while in Florida last week she toured the Kennedy Space Center, where the new international space station is being constructed. Each country that is participating has the opportunity to name the components they add. The Italians named theirs Leonardo and Donatello. “Isn’t that cute,” Marion heard one woman observer say. “They named them after the Ninja Turtles.”

Friends and family are planning a fundraiser to benefit the widow and three young children of Brian Comerford, who was killed in a traffic accident in February after participating in an honor guard ceremony at a funeral. Brian grew up in Newtown, was a career firefighter for the city of Meriden, and a volunteer firefighter in Middlebury. The “Irish Afternoon,” featuring music, entertainment, and a variety of Irish foods prepared by Shari Burton, will take place at the Sandy Hook Firehouse on April 29, from 1 to 6 pm. Anyone who can help is asked to call Shari at 270-9112 or 426-5977 or Bill McAllister at 263-4391 or 263-5837. Tickets will be $20 for adults, $5 for children.

Father Bob Weiss put on quite a program for Bishop Lori when he came to visit St Rose parish last week, giving the new bishop a laundry basket full of mementos of Newtown, while keeping up a humorous dialogue about the gifts. All of which apparently led one parishioner to wryly refer to the pastor afterwards as the “P.T. Barnum of priests.”

The Easter boutique at St Rose sold out last weekend, with most items being snatched up by eager shoppers on the first day. Especially popular were the many cellophane-wrapped gift baskets that were assembled by Father Bob in his spare moments during the weeks before the event.

The Newtown High School Class of 1981 is planning its 20th year reunion, which will be held on October 13 at The Stone Barn at Whitney Farms in Monroe. Addresses of classmates are needed. For more information call New England Reunions at 877-600-6694 or 860-693-8179.

Can anyone identify this man?

 He was recently photographed while on a warm island vacation and caught up in the throes of Mardi Gras. His proper identity will win you an extension of one month on your subscription to The Bee.

Owen Carney announced his candidacy for first selectman about a month ago and since that time he’s been talking with different people from town, but has otherwise been leading a normal life. The campaign will no doubt be heating up in the coming months, however, especially when you see Owen down at the transfer station.

Further proof of the town’s field shortage was evident Tuesday afternoon after a youth girls’ soccer team was seen practicing in the courtyard of Canaan House.

Dan Winsett was roaming the NHS tennis courts Monday afternoon, filling in for girls’ tennis coach Kathy Davey, who was called out of town unexpectedly. Dan, a longtime baseball coach in Ohio, said he was after his 250th career win. In baseball or tennis, Dan? In both, he replied. Good ole’ Dan will have to wait a little while longer to pick up that elusive win; the girls dropped their season opener, 4-3.

The Newtown High School Charity Club did a great job on this year’s Mr & Miss NHS. Hats off to senior Travis Finlayson for becoming Britney Spears. He really has some moves. All the students who participated did a fine job in helping to raise money for the Newtown Scholarship Fund in the names of their former classmates Greg Chion and Jon Ullo.

Head O’ Meadow secretary Toni Baranowski is squirreling around. Not literally, of course. She is a certified rehabilitator and is helping some baby squirrels get back to the wild after their home was cut down and their mother was scared away. The four boys and one girl are doing well.

Members of the Newtown High School Choir are off to Italy for April vacation. We hope the students and adults traveling enjoy the trip abroad and cannot wait to hear all about it when they return.

The Dickinson Park pool will be the place to be this weekend if you’re a kid and you like to fish. Each year, the Newtown Fish & Game Club fills the pool with trout and dozens of youngsters hit the shores with bait and tackle. I went last year and will never forget all the excited looks on the faces of… all the fathers. Of course, they won’t actually get to cast their lines until Saturday, April 21. That’s opening day for all the grown-ups.

This column will be fully stocked next week as well, so be sure to…

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