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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

Two Coyotes Wilderness School To Offer Open House Experience April 26



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The annual Two Coyotes Family Fun Day is slated for Sunday, April 26, from 1 pm to 4 pm, at Sticks and Stones Farm, 201 Huntingtown Road.

Two Coyotes Wilderness School offers kids aged 5 to 16 unique, ongoing, year-round outdoor programs, as well as summer camps, according to a release for the event. The school’s philosophy is derived from the book Coyote’s Guide to Connecting with Nature.

Registration for Two Coyotes summer camp has also begun. Parents can find out more about the camps and register online at twocoyotes.org. The summer program offerings include Wild Plant Medicine and Food, Woodland Arts, Forts and Shelters, Feather, Fur and Fin, Wild Theatre, Magical Forest Theater, Advanced Survival, Scout Tracker, Wildwood Rangers, Wildwood Adventurers, and Fire Wood and Stone.

The third annual Two Coyotes Family Fun Day is an open house event, which is held every year before summer camp season begins. It offers a way for families to acquaint themselves with the Two Coyotes teachers, alumni, programs, environment, and overall culture.

During the Two Coyotes Family Fun Day on April 26, food and beverages will be available, and activities will include making fire without matches, wildlife tracking, wild theater, gratitude circles, nature games, natural art, drumming, roasting marshmallows, wild edible plant hikes, and live music.

For more information or to RSVP, see twocoyotesfunday.eventbrite.com. For more information about Sticks and Stones Farm visit sticksandstonesfarm.com.

Parents attending the Two Coyotes Wilderness School Family Fun Day will be asked to remain with children during the family Nature Stations presentations.

All participants who attend the family fun day will be eligible to win a free one week camp session.

Camp volunteers and alumni will be on hand to discuss the camp experience and answer questions.

Participants at last year’s annual Two Coyotes Family Fun Day roasted marshmallows over a fire.
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