La Leche League To Meet April 17
La Leche League To Meet April 17
La Leche League of Newtown will meet on Tuesday, April 17, with the topic âNutrition and Weaning.â Nutrtion for pregnant and nursing mothers as well as babies will be disucssed along with a discussion of what weaning means.
 The meeting will be held at 10 am in the parlor room on the main floor of the Congregational Church House, 41-A Main St. Those who attend the meeting are asked to park behind the building or in the town hall parking lot, not in the Newtown Savings Bank parking lot.
Women who attend La Leche League meetings can learn about breastfeeding from other nursing mothers. At these monthly meetings, mothers share not only their questions and concerns but also the benefits and joys of breastfeeding. Babies and toddlers are welcome, and mothers-to-be are especially encouraged to attend.
There will be a toddler meeting the following week held in a memberâs home. This meeting will be geared toward the needs of mothers with older nursing babies and toddlers. Call for more information.
La Leche League is an educational, nonprofit, nonsectarian organization dedicated to providing education, information, support, and encouragement to women who want to breastfeed. All women interested in breastfeeding are welcome to attend the monthly group meetings or call a leader for breastfeeding help.
For more information call 364-1617 or 426-6242.