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By Darlene Jackson



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By Darlene Jackson

The deadline to sign up for the 2001 Newtown Tennis Open, sponsored by the Newtown Tennis Association (NTA), has been extended one week. The finals of this tournament, now in its 26th year, will be played Saturday and Sunday, June 9 and 10, at Dickinson Park.

There are four women’s events, six men’s events, and mixed doubles. Entry blanks are available at local tennis clubs, by accessing the NTA web site (www.ntaweb.com) or by contacting president Hugh Lavery at 426-2740 or Gene Bernard at 426-3945.

+ Another tennis party is on the horizon as well as the annual Open. The date is Saturday, April 21, and it will be held at the Tennis Club of Trumbull, 61 Monroe Turnpike, in Trumbull. Start time is 8 pm. Participants should RSVP by email at spiritlrp@email. msn.com or by calling Lou Palmer at 426-7053. Those attending will be asked to bring an appetizer or dessert.

+ The 2001 Arthur T. Berlingo Summer Challenge, sponsored by the NTA, is being organized to give players an opportunity to have regularly-scheduled weekly matches in a friendly, but competitive environment. Play begins the week of June 11 and concludes the week of August 27. There will be eight divisions to choose from – women’s advanced singles, women’s intermediate singles, men’s senior (55+) singles, women’s doubles, men’s doubles, and mixed doubles.

New this year will be an incentive to play the maximum number of matches scheduled. The player or team that plays the most matches in their division will have their name placed in a drawing for “Dinner for Two” at the Villa Restaurant in Sandy Hook.

There will be a total of 12 weekly matches. Though players are encouraged to play as many matches as possible, on must play eight matches in order to contend for the championship. When the schedule arrives, players should review it because arranging matches is up to the players. Phone numbers and email addresses will be provided.

Matches may be played before or after the scheduled week. Play should be two out of three sets and each player or team should bring new balls (the winners take the unopened can). Scores must be reported immediately following the match to Wendy or Gil Fong at 426-3005 or by email at wendyfong@juno.com.

The winner of team with the highest percentage of sets won (percentage of game won will be used in case of ties) will be the champion(s). Trophies will be awarded at the annual General Meeting/Tennis Party in October.

Sign up by May 25 by contacting the Fongs. Schedules will be mailed out by Saturday, June 2. Results will be posted and updated weekly on the NTA web site.

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