Youth And Seniors For Independent Living
Youth And Seniors For Independent Living
 On May 1, groups of young people will visit the homes of Newtown senior citizens who have requested help with spring cleanup, window washing, gardening, and housekeeping chores. Armed with rakes, pails, and pruning shears, teenagers and families with children of all ages will participate in the Fifth Annual Independent Living Day sponsored by Newtown Youth Services.
Breakfast will be served at 8:30 to morning volunteers, who will visit seniors from 9:30 to 11:30 am, helping with whatever needs doing around the house or yard in preparation for warm weather. Lunch will be served at noon for the afternoon volunteers, who will go out to help seniors from 1 to 3 pm. All activities will begin and end at 41A Main Street, rain or shine.
This past fall, the Newtown Youth Services Youth Advisory Board sponsored a fall cleanup day for seniors, a first-time event that may become as standard as the spring event if enough seniors choose to participate. The philosophy behind the tradition of young people helping seniors and others in need is simple: everyone benefits. The seniors have a great time and get some much-needed work done. The kids and families feel a sense of accomplishment and get to know some people they might not otherwise meet. In addition, research shows that young people who volunteer their time to help others lead more successful and fulfilling lives.
Those who want to volunteer to help on Independent Living Day can call Newtown Youth Services at 270-4335 or pick up a volunteer form at the Newtown High School Career Center, Newtown Middle School B-Wing Office, Reed Intermediate School Office, or the library.
Seniors who would like to have some work done can pick up a form at the Nunnawauk Meadows Community Room, the Newtown Senior Center in Sandy Hook, the Social Services Center in Town Hall South, or the Library. Requests can also be called into Newtown Youth Services at 270-4335.