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Vote Your Mind

To the Editor:

Referendums usually tell our town legislators if the proposed budget is acceptable. Using one vote for two entities does not provide choice or true thoughts of the voter. One vote for each entity does.

Example, if voter agrees with the Board of Education and not with town budget, how should he vote? Or if he agrees with town budget and not with Board of Education budget, how should he vote? Choice is stifled.

The supreme court overwhelmingly voted 5-0 that towns should have choice. Do we have choice?

Town hall meetings for a budget vote is passé. How can a 100 or 200 voters represent the 25,000 taxpayers. Do we need a taxpayer organization?

Get through the rhetoric and vote your mind and not your heart.

Paul Fortugno

44 Philo Curtis Road, Sandy Hook                                April 7, 2004  

Comments are open. Be civil.

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