More Bee Transparency Needed
To the Editor:
Who is it that actually writes The Bee’s front page editorial each week? It’s not clear to me if it’s Nancy Crevier, R. Scudder Smith, or perhaps someone else.
Most reputable magazines, if not newspapers, always sign their editorials and provide the writer’s e-mail address. They have the confidence to personally stand behind their views and allow replies. In my opinion, this should also be your policy, especially in light of The Bee’s strict rules regarding writer identification for letter submittals.
Considering the high-minded community service publication that The Bee is, I’m sure you will give this suggestion close scrutiny. Thank you.
Jack Carlson
77 Great Ring Road, Sandy Hook April 8, 2019
Editor’s note: As has been the case for more than 140 years, the front page editorial is the responsibility of the editor. Input from the publisher is included in endorsement editorials. If an editorial is assigned to another staff member, that is noted at the end of the editorial.