Elisabeth Cosgrove Healey and Alec Swartley Zimmer
Elisabeth Cosgrove Healey and Alec Swartley Zimmer
Mrs James R. Healey of Newtown announces the engagement of her daughter, Elisabeth Cosgrove Healey and Alec Swartley Zimmer, son of Mr and Mrs William Zimmer of Danville, Penn.
Ms Healey is a 1996 graduate of Immaculate High School in Danbury and received her bachelor of arts in modern languages from Trinity College, Hartford, in 2000. She is employed by Better Communications, Inc of Lexington, Mass., as an instructional designer.
Mr Zimmer graduated from Danville High School in Danville, Penn., in 1993 and from Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Penn., in 1997 with a bachelor of science in engineering. He received his master of science in civil engineering in 1998 from Stanford University. He is currently employed as a structural engineer.
A September wedding is planned.