Canine Advocates TagSale/Fundraiser Slated April 30
Canine Advocates TagSale/Fundraiser Slated April 30
The Canine Advocates of Newtown (CAN) will hold its 6th Annual tag sale on Sunday, April 30, from 9 am to 4 pm with a rain date of May 7.
The sale will be at 115 Mt Pleasant Road, across from Hot Shots. Proceeds will benefit fundraising efforts for a new dog pound.
This tag sale is CANâs biggest yearly fund drive. On sale will be good quality donations, which will be accepted April 22 from 1 to 4 pm at 115 Mt Pleasant Road. A second drop-off date is April 25 from noon to 3 pm. Organizers ask that no clothes be contributed, and will accept large furniture only if it is again picked up if it does not sell.
Sales will include kitchen items, jewelry, games, books, plants, pots, vases, lamps, small appliances, furniture, toys, games, artwork, gardening items, tools, electronics, more.
CAN members are also promising a setup to make dog tags for residents and pets. For more information, contact Jeanne at 426-6540 or Pat at 426-4348.