Still Seeking The Youngest Girl Scout
Still Seeking The Youngest Girl Scout
Girl Scouts of America, Newtown division, announced earlier this year that it was hoping to locate Newtownâs oldest and youngest Girl Scouts as part of this yearâs efforts to honor Scouts of all ages and âBe Your Best Day,â which honors the birthday of the Girl Scout organization.
The 89th birthday of Girl Scouts was March 12, and Newtownâs Scouts celebrated Girl Scout Week in Newtown this year from March 11-17. First Selectman Herb Rosenthal met with Girl Scouts of all ages at Edmond Town Hall in late February to announce the recognition of Girl Scout Week in Newtown.
Baskets have been prepared for two special Girl Scouts in Newtown. The first will be presented to the oldest living Girl Scout in Newtown, Alice Cornel                 .
The second basket will be presented to the first prospective Girl Scoutand the search continues.
Anyone who may know of the youngest prospective Girl Scout â the girl in Newtown who was born closest to March 12, 2001 â is asked to contact Mandy Monaco at 426-5600 as soon as possible.