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Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA
Newtown, CT, USA

NCC Special Palm Sunday Worship Service



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NCC Special Palm Sunday

Worship Service

The Liturgical Dancers will begin the Precession of Palms Sunday morning at the close of the regular worship service at the Newtown Congregational Church.

Karla and Darlene Spencer and Casey Palmer will be dancing to “The Lamb” while members of the “A Gathering,” junior/senior high school students, will be joining with instrumental and vocal solos. The Sunday School students will bring the palms and sing “Dancing in the Streets,” an original song written and directed by Carl Lindquist.

Instrumental soloists will be Jeffery Reinhardt on the oboe, Andrea Reinhardt on flute, and Tucker Smiley on guitar. Vocal soloists will be Kristin Ryan and Courtney MacRae.

The youth programming was coordinated with Mr Lindquist, David and Pat Reinhardt. Special assistance was given by Miss Diane of the Lathrop School of Dance.

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