CPTV Is Seeking Information For UpcomingWWII And 1940s Documentary
CPTV Is Seeking Information For Upcoming
WWII And 1940s Documentary
Connecticut Public Television and the Connecticut Humanities Council are producing a documentary on homefront activities in the state during World War II and are seeking archival materials and memories from people who experienced it first-hand.
Homefront: Connecticut, the working title for the documentary, is being produced by Rich Hanley, who is seeking the following items for the documentary:
*Photographs and/or films of Connecticut workers and workplaces during the war;
*Photographs/home movies that document domestic life in the 1940s;
*Personal recollections of what life was like in the state during the 1940s;
* Letters to/from soldiers stationed overseas and sent to Connecticut homes;
*Diaries that include the period of the 1940s;
*Personal/corporate scrapbooks that document life in the 1940s;
*Archival materials such as posters, Gold Star placards, ration coupons, etc; and
*Any miscellaneous items that are appropriate to the subject.
Anyone who has such items or information that would be useful for the documentary is asked to contact Rich Hanley, c/o CPTV, 240 New Britain Avenue, Hartford, CT 06106; telephone 203-278-5310, extension 1385; or send email to richÂ_hanley@wedh.pbs.org.
The documentary is part of the Connecticut Experience series, a unique partnership between Connecticut Humanities Council and CPTV. The innovative programming collaboration creates productions about Connecticutâs history the illuminate public policy and stimulates discussion about Connecticutâs roots and current challenges.