What Does Newtown’s ‘At Home’ Life Look Like? Show Us
What does Newtown’s “at home” life look like these days? Show us by sending a photo and description of the new “at home” life in Newtown and Sandy Hook for publication in an upcoming print edition of The Newtown Bee.
E-mail a photo and brief description to reporter Eliza Hallabeck, eliza@thebee.com. Make sure to include the names of those pictured.
Photos sent by Wednesday at noon will be included for possible publication in that week’s print edition. All submissions run as space allows, so they may run in a following edition. Check weekly to see if your submission made it into the paper.
Photos published in the March 27 print edition can be seen in the photo above.
This will be an ongoing featured item in the pages of The Newtown Bee for the foreseeable future. The local newspaper has been chronicling town happenings since 1877, and, with the help of residents, we hope to capture today’s changing world through these submitted images.