Regional Affordable Housing Plan Virtual Meetings Begin March 30
A series of three virtual public meetings is happening March 30-April 1 to present plans to increase affordable housing in the region, and to receive public comment. Those who wish to learn about the proposals, or ask questions during the public events, should plan to attend the first meeting on Wednesday or one of the remaining sessions.
The Western Connecticut Council of Governments (WestCOG) is in the process of producing The Western Connecticut Regional Affordable Housing Plan.
Newtown has joined the plan, which is in draft form now. According to WestCOG’s website, the publication will serve as a toolbox for municipalities to reference when creating an Affordable Housing Plan to satisfy statutory requirements.
The draft reviews the common challenges municipalities in the region face when constructing affordable housing, such as regional housing and employment markets, transportation and infrastructure limitations, and the economics of land availability.
It has a comprehensive housing needs assessment and zoning assessment done using a consistent approach for all 18 WestCOG member municipalities. It also contains resources for increasing affordable housing through zoning regulations, subdivision regulations, and financing options.
The finished plan will outline the Town’s strategy for increasing the affordable housing stock over the next five years as required by Connecticut General Statutes Section 8-30j. The draft document is available for review on
WestCOG is holding a public comment period extending to April 20. Any comments on the draft Plans can be made by mail to the WestCOG office, 1 Riverside Road, Sandy Hook CT 06482, and/or via e-mail to
As part of the documentation process, WestCOG is holding the three virtual public information meetings this week. The meetings are scheduled for Wednesday, March 30, at 6:30 pm; Thursday, March 31, at 6:30 pm; and Friday, April 1, at 11 am.
Registration is required to participate in any of the meetings. All three sessions will cover the same topics and provide an overview of the Regional Plan and Municipal Annexes.
Comments will be addressed on a first-come, first-serve basis. Each meeting will run one hour.
To register for a public Regional Affordable Housing Plan meeting or learn more visit
Newtown’s Municipal Annex — strategies intended to use to increase affordable housing in the next five years, including town-specific history relating to affordable housing, a breakdown of the type of affordable housing available in town, how many cost-burdened households there are in town, and the municipal specific strategies to increase affordable housing — can be viewed at
Managing Editor Shannon Hicks can be reached at