Congressional Circus Deserves Elephants
To the Editor:
The lunacy coming out of the Trump White House (fake news, 30 percent reduction in State Department budget, etc.) and the circus roaming the corridors of Congress (health care fiasco, tax break for the rich, Intel Committee debacle) is beyond ludicrous. I rate these two branches of government a zero on the Humanity/Common Sense/Common Decency scale of 1 to 10.
A herd of elephants could do better. At least they show empathy toward one another. All the female adults help in the raising of their young. They love, care for, and defend their herd. With the Barnum and Bailey Circus closing down, perhaps we could get their elephants and have them plow through the halls of Congress and see what happens. After all, as the Donald said, "What have you got to lose?"
Lawrence O'Toole
38 Clear View Drive, Sandy Hook ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ March 29, 2017