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Newtown’s Land And Wildlife Deserve Vigilant, Unwavering Protection



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To the Editor:

I am writing on behalf of our family to express our vehement opposition to the proposed cluster housing project on Castle Hill. As a resident living in close proximity to this parcel, a frequent visitor to the trails that border Taunton Lake, and someone deeply concerned about our local environment, I implore you to consider the long-term consequences of this construction.

The natural land in Newtown stands as the community’s crown jewel — a precious asset deserving of vigilant protection. As stewards entrusted with safeguarding our environment, your decisions hold immense significance. The specific area in question is particularly vulnerable, with its delicate balance tied to water runoff, vernal pools, and the sustenance of native wildlife. Despite any arguments put forth by the developer, the irreversible harm to our environment is an undeniable reality if this project proceeds.

I can personally attest to the richness and diversity of our local habitat. Countless creatures — bobcats, coyotes, deer, foxes, rodents, red-tail hawk, bald eagle, great blue heron, and amphibians — call this space home. Their existence is woven into the fabric of our ecosystem. Building on this land threatens to diminish their habitat, pushing it toward the abyss. We must act now to prevent the loss of this irreplaceable wildlife. Before we know it, all this wildlife will be gone, and we’ll have no one to blame but ourselves.

When do we say “no more”? This query reverberates through our conscience as we stand at the edge of a cliff. The wetlands — the lifeblood of our ecosystem — deserve our unwavering protection. Their delicate balance sustains countless species, from elusive amphibians to majestic birds. Yet, the developer’s ambitions threaten this fragile equilibrium. The planet is dying by a thousand cuts, little by little, in easy-to-consume, easy-to-rationalize, easy-to-explain-away bits.

While immediate impacts may weigh heavily on concerned citizens, we must recognize that the ripples of this decision will extend far beyond the immediate area. A tsunami of concern and opposition awaits if ground is broken on this ill-conceived project. Picture our community’s future — a once-pristine Castle Hill, marred by housing that we don’t need. Is this the legacy you want to hand down for generations?

The wildlife here doesn’t get a say. They lack voices in our deliberations. It falls upon us — the custodians of this land — to champion their cause. Our judgment echoes through time, shaping the destiny of our town. Will you be remembered as the committee that acquiesced to short-term gains at the expense of our natural heritage?

Engagement matters. Reports of Committee apathy during meetings trouble me. We owe it to our environment, our children, and the silent creatures that inhabit these wetlands to engage earnestly. The gravity of this decision demands our utmost attention.

In closing, I implore you to honor the trust that was given to you. Listen to the whispers of nature. Safeguard our wetlands. Walk along the trails for yourself, see it with your own eyes. Let our legacy be one of wisdom, foresight, and unwavering commitment.

Brian Trudeau


A letter from Brian Trudeau.
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