Fire Reports | March 16-21, 2022
The dispatchers at the Newtown Emergency Communications Center, at 191 South Main Street, report the following fire calls and the responders:
Wednesday, March 16: 11:34 am, smoke/odor investigation, Philo Curtis Road, Sandy Hook responded.
Thursday, March 17: 8:47 am, medical assist, Franklin Court, Hawleyville responded; 10:20 am, medical assist, Hawleyville/Mt Pleasant, Hawleyville responded; 3:16 pm, tree/wires down, Flat Swamp Road, Dodgingtown responded.
Friday, March 18: 3:27 am, smoke/odor investigation, Currituck/Hawleyville Road, Hawleyville responded; 6:49 am, motor vehicle accident (MVA) with injury, South Main Street, Botsford responded; 7:58 am, service call, Main Street/Church Hill Road, Hook & Ladder covered; 11:05 am, fire alarm, Queen Street, Hook & Ladder and Sandy Hook responded; 11:06 am, fire alarm, Meadow Woods Lane, Sandy Hook and Botsford responded; 11:36 am, fire alarm, Queen Street, Hook & Ladder responded; 5:32 pm, service call, Academy Lane, Hook & Ladder covered; 5:47 pm, service call, Main Street/Church Hill Road, Hook & Ladder covered.
Saturday, March 19: 9:52 pm, smoke in building, Covered Bridge, Hawleyville, Hook & Ladder, Botsford, Dodgingtown, and Sandy Hook responded.
Sunday, March 20: 9:54 am, fire alarm, Currituck Road, Hawleyville responded; 12:22 pm, fire alarm, Daniels Hill Road, Hook & Ladder responded; 2:35 pm, fire alarm, Haley Lane, Sandy Hook responded; 3:46 pm, medical assist, Simpson Street, Hook & Ladder responded; 3:52 pm, smoke in building, High Rock Road, Hook & Ladder, Botsford, Dodgingtown, Hawleyville, and Sandy Hook responded; 6:23 pm, structure fire (sump pump issue), Silver City Road, Hook & Ladder, Botsford, Dodgingtown, Hawleyville, and Sandy Hook responded.
Monday, March 21: 8:00 am, gas leak, Church Hill Road, Hook & Ladder and Sandy Hook responded; 1:34 pm, medical assist, Queen Street, Hook & Ladder responded; 2:44 pm, MVA with injury, I-84 East Exit 11 off-ramp, Sandy Hook responded; 2:41 pm, MVA with injury, South Main Street, Hook & Ladder responded; 3:56 pm, tree/wires down, Cedar Hill Road, Hook & Ladder responded.