Lack Of Accountability And Information
To the Editor:
I would like to express my displeasure with the lack of accountability and information from those involved in the planning and development of the proposed community center. The main issue here is the total lack of details on finances and why one builder was chosen, when another builder has bid at a much lower price. Since when do we go for the highest bidder? Would anyone do this on their own home? I think not.
Secondly, how are we to pay for this building when taxes, according to what we are reading, are being raised due to lost funding? Another big concern is the operating expenses which haven't been discussed. Can we afford this building once it is built? What types of revenue streams are needed to keep the building operating without burdening the town with more taxes? Perhaps our First Selectman should pay attention to the concerns being expressed by taxpayers and read the many comments made on Accountability of Newtown, as it appears many people are not so enamored with their proposal thus far. Since when are secret meetings allowed to take place? For what reasons would no public notice, no agenda, and no minutes be given except to hide this information from the public. I certainly didn't think this building was going to be dedicated to house the entire Park and Rec department when it was billed to be more of a "communal center," not office building.
The real hot button is the exasperated costs which apparently leave us all numb. I ask myself, "How did this project get so out of hand?" Like so many things today, we "the public" have to be the watchdogs to protect what's right and do what's right. Don't leave it up to these so called "experts" or you will find yourself paying for this mistake for many years to come.
Barbara Germak
52 Moccasin Trail, Sandy Hook ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ ÃÂ March 28, 2017