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The Time ForProtests Is Done



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The Time For

Protests Is Done

To the Editor:

The battle for freedom in Iraq has been joined. What our troops need most of all at this time is our unconditional support. They may have a chance to catch a glimpse of a newspaper or maybe even a broadcast. If they see protests on the home front it is a huge drain on morale.

Unless you have been there, you have no idea of what it feels like to be half way around the world in a hostile environment. Living in a land that is blistering hot by day, icy cold at night with sand and grit that get into everything, and I mean everything. It is impossible to describe that empty feeling that sinks in at night –– a combination of homesickness and fear –– only those who have been to war know that feeling.

Most of our troops saw Gulf War I as students in grade and middle schools. Now they are on the front line taking the battle to the enemy, putting their life on the line so that we may continue our way of life. In addition they are ready to make the ultimate sacrifice so that Iraq may be a free nation.

These young people are where the dying is done. They are where the risk is real and where the fear can be overwhelming. The thing that keeps them going is the knowledge that America is united behind them. They are the best and brightest of our country and we owe them our best.

The talk is done and so too must the protests be done, it matters not what you think, it matters how you act and how you support these young Americans. Weapons of mass destruction have been found and the abuses of the Iraqi government have been noted. Of course some will continue to protest, that is your right given to you by the Constitution. A right won by the blood of other young Americans over 200 years ago. For those of you who might be thinking of some form of protest I urge you to rethink your intentions. Give the troops all you’ve got, wear a yellow ribbon, wave the flag, and above all else say a prayer for their safe return.

Yours truly,

RP Gottmeier

13 Antler Pine Road, Sandy Hook

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