An Enjoyable Evening
An Enjoyable Evening
To the Editor:
Congratulations to the Newtown High School Drama Department on an outstanding performance of Anything Goes. Every year, the Drama Department amazes and astounds the audience. It is truly an enjoyable evening that everyone in town should make an effort to attend. As you watch the incredible talent and energy on stage, one truly forgets they are watching high schoolers.
However, on closing night, the curtain went down a little too quickly. I want to send a huge thank you to the many students and adults who work behind the scenes before, during, and after the performance. They put in hundreds and hundreds of hours so that what the audience sees on stage is successful. They are the individuals who designed, constructed, and painted the phenomenal set; the makeup crew, the props crew, and the costume crew who help bring the characters visually alive and keep them prepared and ready for every new scene; the fabulous musical talent of the pit orchestra (they were acknowledged by the cast at the closing); and the technical crew (sound, lighting, house, and video) without whom the stage would truly be dark.
Thank You.
The cast and crew will carry the memories and friendships of these productions for a lifetime.
To the seniors ââ best wishes on continued success in your future ââ on or off the stage.
Janis R. Solheim
11 Harvest Common Road, Sandy Hook                 March 23, 2003